Fly Away Home

In 1995 Columbia Pictures purchased the rights to Bill’s story. Since 20/20’s coverage of the 1993 migration experiment the story had become well known, and Hollywood was ready to jump right in. Columbia pictures won the bid, and decided to make a movie about flying with the geese that used elements of the truth, but was also a movie for the whole family. The times dictated that the film should be about a single parent family – So the writers went to work and came up with the script for “FLY AWAY HOME“, a movie very loosely based on Bill’s life. The movie was released in 1996 with great reviews, starring Jeff Daniels and academy award winner Anna Paquin. Here are a few photos taken during the shooting.

The movie contained some elements of the actual story. The replica Lunar Module, Steel Dragon and Pop-up Fridge were all based on reality. The writers declined using the underground house however because it was just “too weird”.