• Ice Berg Sculpture Canadian Museum of Nature

    Blah blah blah

  • The Oak Ridges Moraine From Above

    The Oak Ridges Moraine From Above a coffee table book in celebration of the Oak Ridges Moraine mostly images shot from my bird like perspective. its due to be released Earth Day Sept 22 2015 to order click on the button

  • Underground Architecture

    Bill Lishman’s unique underground house was the culmination of years of research and countless hours of design.
    Why build underground?

    Learn More

WIlliam Lishman Memorial Sculpture

The William Lishman memorial sculpture project is rolling forward! Many thanks to the tireless efforts of the Scugog Council for the arts.  Geordie Lishman is designing the sculpture to memorialize Bill to be erected on the Lake Scugog waterfront. Images of the concept will be posted as it develops, the current design concept will be revealed May 7th/8th 2022 weekend at the Underground house Tour at Purple Hill.

If you wish to donate, we would much appreciate the support, Please check here for the fundraising page.https://scugogarts.ca/bill-lishman-memorial-project/