Oxygen Research

Oxygen is what keeps us alive and healthy which is why myself & a few friends created a not for profit corporation to promote better understanding of this. We named it Medical Oxygen Research and invited friend  Doctor Wayne Evans to lead the exploration into Oxygen research.  Since oxygen is so basic and ubiquitous, most have little understanding of  its importance in healing  as a result  industry partners to fund needed research are few. I hope many will join me in supporting Medical Oxygen Research in the quest for knowledge of the science of oxygen and its medical applications. check www.mo2r.ca

Much going on at Purple Hill we launched the Oak Ridge Moraine From Above Book on Earth Day April 22

This is really a busy year we are refurbishing our old house (the Chalet).

We are stripping and repainting the Sculptures that were once at the Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto  and are soon to re install them in their new colours at the  Bridgepoint hospital, (the big glass building that is at the corner of Gerrard and the Don Valley Parkway.)    they should be in place by mid June

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This year, after a three year gestation,  we are  creating one of the most important sculptures of my  career it is a 40 foot high rendition of an iceberg in stainless steel for the Canadian Museum of Nature, in Ottawa,   here is a shot of  the model

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Oak Ridges Moraine From Above

Crowd Funding is complete, and was very successful.  As of this writing  March 11 2015  the Oak Ridges Moraine From Above  book is a day off going to print. There are about 300 copies of the book as yet unspoken for.  You can reserve a signed copy for $ 150 C plus HST and  add $10 for shipping and handling.   They will be shipped after April 22.   To reserve your copy send check  made payable to William Lishman & Associates Ltd  for $179.50. Sorry at this point we are not set up for credit cards  but you can also pay by Paypal. 34 IMG_2980